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Inpatient care

Every customer at Ekantar Foundation is appointed an essential guide who designs and executes an individualized recuperation plan with inputs from the group that meets day by day.

Out patient care

Ekantar Foundation short term program fallows similar chiefs as the private program and gives individualized concentration inside the program structure.

After Care

Preceding release, every customer goes through a customized and extensive backslide anticipation plan. Individual backslide triggers are identified and talked about.

Family Support

The Ekantar Foundation Family Support Program centers around understanding the illness of medications and liquor misuse and what it means for everybody in a family. Productive issue goal and proceeding with care for the entire family.

Community Services

A section from giving a-list treatment, Ekantar Foundation is effectively associated with the local area through a wide scope of effort administrations, for example, refinement programs and centred help for less special people.

How Do we treat ?

  • Drug Addiction
  • DrugAlcohol Addiction
  • DrugDual Diagnosis

Alcohal And Drug Addiction Treatment

For Alcohol Addiction, Several Treatments separated from detox are required. As detox helps in flushing out liquor and medications from the body, it is the fundamental initial step prior to beginning any treatment. At Ekantar Foundation, we direct gathering treatment, individual guiding meetings and psycho-training on the natural, physiological, and social impacts of liquor reliance. Our experts are exceptional to play out an assortment of intercessions, be it clinical mediations or experimentally approved mental mediations for substance misuse, like mental conduct treatment (CBT), relational treatment (IPI), supportive and bunch treatment according to necessity WHO suggests the twelve stage program, followed at Ekantar Foundation for both during and after the treatment program. Recollect that defeating fixation doesn't occur on the double. Indeed recuperation is a deep rooted course of responsibility by the heavy drinker and care by friends and family. To this end Ekantar Foundation likewise gives a family support program. Double conclusion implies that an individual has two separate however extremely determination interrelated.

A Phychiatric problem An addiction problem

It is hard to say which started things out what is essential to note is that the individual is right now having the two issues and both must be tended to together. A backslide in one on the two regions can trigger a backslide in the other.

Dual Diagnosis profiles may include the following

a few/significant psychological instability and a substance issue (S) Substance problem (s) and a behavioural condition (s) substance issue (s), behavioural condition (s) and substance initiated intense side effects that might require mental consideration for example pipedreams, melancholy and different manifestations coming about because of substance misuse or withdrawals.

How common is dual diagnosis ?

Dual diagnosis is more normal that you may envision. As per a report distributed by the diary of the American clinical affiliation 37% of liquor victimizers and 53 percent of medication victimizers likewise have at least one genuine psychological sickness. Surprisingly analysed as insane, 29% maltreatment either liquor or medications.

What Kind of mental or emotional problems are seen in people with dual Diagnosis?

The accompanying mental issues are normal to happen in double finding for example couple with liquor or medication reliance. Burdensome issues, for example, despondency and bipolar issue nervousness issues, including summed up tension issue, alarm problem, fanatical impulsive issue, and fears other Phychiatric issue like schizophrenia, and behavioural condition.

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